
Islamic content curated for your social media

Subscribe to get inspirational Islamic content posted from your social media account weekly for your followers

First ever Islamic Social Media Syndication Platform

Kalaams is a social media syndication platform creating inspirational Islamic content through research by qualified scholars for our subscribers.

Our subscribers receive beautiful and inspirational Islamic content from Quran and Hadeeth daily and weekly posted through their social media accounts automatically.

Curated Islamic Social Media Feed

Our Scholars through research create inspirational custom content that gets published through your social media accounts.

Beautiful Design

Our graphic designers put the content in beautiful and impressive design customized for our subscribers

Social Media Syndication

Through our social media syndication platform, content is scheduled and published automatically through our subscriber’s social media accounts.
About us

Kalaam is a non-profit organization with a mission to promote authentic Islamic content through research using our social media syndication platform.

Our purpose is to use our subscriber’s social media presence and inspire their followers to practical spiritual guidance.

Let's Connect

How to Subscribe

Click Subscribe Button on the Website


Questions? Talk to our team

Connect our supported social media platform with your account


Questions? Talk to our team

Select your preference for language and number of daily or weekly posts


Questions? Talk to our team

Our Platform automatically starts publishing on your behalf


Questions? Talk to our team

Our supported social media platforms for content syndication